Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Traits You Poisoning Water

Traits You Poisoning Water

Drinking water is the main lah For maintaining health. But not a bit exceeded drinking water is also able to affect bad for the body. You may have water intoxication if not slightly exceeded drinking water.
White water is useful for preventing the body is dehydrated. However, if the water content in the body has not exceeded slightly, so that the body can also have reactions that bad. As a result, you may experience water intoxication.
Because has become routine, the possibility can be really difficult for you to know whether or not water intoxication. For that, here are the characteristics of the poisoning of water that can be You know:

1. Drink more than 15 cups
If you have to drink more than 15 cups of water, the kidneys can be disrupted. When the kidneys can not work together well, so you could water intoxication. Try For drinking water no more than 15 glasses.
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2. No appetite
If you do not feel hungry or reluctant to eat, it's a sign you are not a little drinking water exceeded. Excessive in drinking water can create stomach becomes full, consequently you do not want hungry. If allowed, you are able to experience white water intoxication.

3. Experiencing muscle cramps
Are You rarely experience muscle cramps? If so, it's probably a sign when you water intoxication. Checking back the amount of water that you drink each day. Drinking water is more than 15 glasses could weaken the muscles of the body then goes cramps.

4. Tired prolonged
Not exceeded little drinking water could affect not good for the body, such as prolonged fatigue. This aspect is a sign when you have started since the poisoning of water. Try to create a set of water consumed from this time.

5. Blurred vision
Consuming excess water could cause obstacles to the eye, such as blurred vision. The level of which is severe, you and able to experience hallucinations and lightly confused. Watch the amount of water you consume.

If you experience such traits above, it means you since the start of water intoxication. Try For drinking water at least 8 glasses and a maximum charge of up to 15 cups per day.

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